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Am mereu ceva de spus

Inregistat: 17-03-2008
Mesaje: 1365

stromboli a scris:

EZOTERIC  Subtitrat in Romana

In sfarsit...incep sa pricep si eu cate ceva...
Pentru mine acum lucrurile sunt clare : atentatele asupra celor doua turnuri gemene Wall Street din 11 sept.2001  de fapt au fost gandite intentionat si puse la cale de cei cativa oameni aflati acum in varful piramidei si care conduc intreaga lume .


06-01-2009 11:31:37

Am mereu ceva de spus

Inregistat: 17-03-2008
Mesaje: 1365

Xtremul a scris:

L-am "fumat" de mult si p-asta, draga Tit... ;)
Nu doar banii, ci si noi sintem "facutzi" :D (in sensul prostelii/manipularii) de cind am fost creati...
Vine insa ea vremea desteptarii... UNORA ! :)

Prea Mare Al Trebii ,
nu-i asa ca in Bunkeristania vom avea o societate bazata pe resurse si nu  pe sistemul monetar ?

06-01-2009 11:40:04
?? NJD
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-08-2005
Mesaje: 2075

Xtremul a scris:

L-am "fumat" de mult si p-asta, draga Tit... ;)
Nu doar banii, ci si noi sintem "facutzi" :D (in sensul prostelii/manipularii) de cind am fost creati...
Vine insa ea vremea desteptarii... UNORA ! :)

   Nici macar nu pot sa-ti spun" nici nu stii ce adevar graiesti" pentru ca sunt convins ca stii ceva,  stii ce vorbesti. S-au cam stricat planurile de acasa ale Iluminatilor, cu cele din piata. Sunt mai multi decit se asteptau, care nu se vor lasa "prostiti".

Acum devine Interesant razboiul economic si m-a gindesc care ar fi raspunsul fata de Rusia, care a inchis putin robinetul de gaze a citorva tari, dind vina pe Ukraina.

06-01-2009 13:30:37
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669

titmouse a scris:

Xtremul a scris:

L-am "fumat" de mult si p-asta, draga Tit... ;)
Nu doar banii, ci si noi sintem "facutzi" :D (in sensul prostelii/manipularii) de cind am fost creati...
Vine insa ea vremea desteptarii... UNORA ! :)

Prea Mare Al Trebii ,
nu-i asa ca in Bunkeristania vom avea o societate bazata pe resurse si nu  pe sistemul monetar ?

De la sine intzeles ca DA, draga pitzigoleza :) - era sa zic de fapt ca 'NU", fiindca unii (si mai ales unele :D) considera ca fiind "resurse" si propriile forme sex-appeloase... :D:D

06-01-2009 17:32:05
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669

NJD a scris:

Xtremul a scris:

L-am "fumat" de mult si p-asta, draga Tit... ;)
Nu doar banii, ci si noi sintem "facutzi" :D (in sensul prostelii/manipularii) de cind am fost creati...
Vine insa ea vremea desteptarii... UNORA ! :)

Nici macar nu pot sa-ti spun" nici nu stii ce adevar graiesti" pentru ca sunt convins ca stii ceva,  stii ce vorbesti. S-au cam stricat planurile de acasa ale Iluminatilor, cu cele din piata. Sunt mai multi decit se asteptau, care nu se vor lasa "prostiti".

Acum devine Interesant razboiul economic si m-a gindesc care ar fi raspunsul fata de Rusia, care a inchis putin robinetul de gaze a citorva tari, dind vina pe Ukraina.

"Criza" actuala, fabricata/regizata similar aleia din 1929 de catre... stim noi cine :( (si cu scopuri asemanatoare de recapitalizare ieftina si dominanta a unora, dar si citeva scopuri globalizant-submisive in plus fata de-atunci) are mai multe faze atent coordonate de "guvernul mondial invizibil"; faza cu Ucraina nu stiu dac-a fost planificata anterior exact sub forma asta, dar serveste (macar indirect) acelorasi targeturi. :(

06-01-2009 17:35:59
?? zitreishtrei
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 05-11-2008
Mesaje: 241
S-a intrebat careva pana acum, ce s-ar intampla daca un "Grad" modificat si-ar pierde un stabilizator in timpul lansarii si nu ar gasi alt loc de "aterizare" decat pe Domul Stancii ?
Stiu, se vor gasi destui macho care sa-mi explice ca o asemenea racheta nu ajunge pana acolo ; s-au vazut cazuri si mai uimitoare.

06-01-2009 18:08:36
?? stromboli
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 21-07-2008
Mesaje: 358

titmouse a scris:

Vezi , Stromboli , tu impreuna cu alti 4-5 forumisti  esti motivul pentru care eu inca mai intru aici pe forum . Nu ca sa vanez greseli gramaticale , nu ca sa ma amuz la nesfarsit de prostia altora care , in treacat fie vorba , pe mine MA PLICTISESTE TERIBIL , nici ca sa capat atentie si admiratie , nici ca sa-mi hranesc orgoliul punand cu botul pe labe dintr-aia...cum le zice...cum le zice Extremul..a..."ciumpalaci" , ci ca sa citesc postarile tale si inca ale catorva . . Tocmai am terminat de vizionat documentarul despre "cum se fac banii" , le voi viziona si pe celelalte .
Prea Mare Cap al Trebii , cam ai dreptate in multe din lucrurile pe care ni le-ai spus .
Urmareste si tu documentarul lui Stromboli .

La Multi Ani! titmouse

Vezi... si eu intru aici pt.tine si cei ca tine ,care cauta Adevarul.Impreuna poate-l gasim :)

Am intrat mai rar pt. ca mi-am pierdut timpul sa arunc rachete in sionistii de pe un alt forum (doamne ca multi mai sunt :(  ).Am descoperit ca sunt platiti sa stea pe forumuri sa faca propaganda pro-Israel si sa Dezinformeze.

Bine ai revenit Xtremule si La Multi Ani! ma bucur sa te revad pe aici

La Multi Ani! Tuturor

07-01-2009 03:35:35
?? stromboli
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 21-07-2008
Mesaje: 358

Xtremul a scris:

"Criza" actuala, fabricata/regizata similar aleia din 1929 de catre... stim noi cine :( (si cu scopuri asemanatoare de recapitalizare ieftina si dominanta a unora, dar si citeva scopuri globalizant-submisive in plus fata de-atunci) are mai multe faze atent coordonate de "guvernul mondial invizibil"; faza cu Ucraina nu stiu dac-a fost planificata anterior exact sub forma asta, dar serveste (macar indirect) acelorasi targeturi. :(

Ukraina e noul teren de joaca(strategic) la moda a tuturor serviciilor secrete , Romania a fost in '89-90

se cam string lupii in jurul Rusilor;Georgia,Ukraina, o sa mai vedem si alti vecini ai lor care provoaca conflicte.

americanii vor conflicte, e falimentul pe ei cat casa.

Unde sunt cele mai mari resurse? Rusia

Nu e deloc interesul lor sa aiba conflicte,Rusii.In orice caz,nu acum.Ei nu fac decat sa-si pastreze pozitia in lume eventual sa o consolideze pe ici pe colo.Au nevoie de stabilitate , ca sa devina mai puternici.La americani si occidentali e exact invers.

Deci e posibil ca Rusia sa fie  The Target

Furatul gazului poate fi o provocare impotriva Rusilor,ca si refuzul Ukrainei sa plateasca gazul , de ani de zile.

Ultima modificare facuta de stromboli (07-01-2009 04:00:22)

07-01-2009 03:58:47
?? stromboli
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 21-07-2008
Mesaje: 358
Zetgeist final  Subtitrat in Romana

Ultima modificare facuta de stromboli (07-01-2009 04:17:30)

07-01-2009 04:17:03
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
La multi ani, Stromboli! :)

Ontopic: uite opinia unui... evreu celebru, destept si echilibrat apropo de actualul conflict din Gaza.

• Avi Shlaim is a professor of international relations at the University of Oxford and the author of The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World and of Lion of Jordan: King Hussein's Life in War and Peace.

As always, mighty Israel claims to be the victim of Palestinian aggression but the sheer asymmetry of power between the two sides leaves little room for doubt as to who is the real victim. This is indeed a conflict between David and Goliath but the Biblical image has been inverted - a small and defenceless Palestinian David faces a heavily armed, merciless and overbearing Israeli Goliath. The resort to brute military force is accompanied, as always, by the shrill rhetoric of victimhood and a farrago of self-pity overlaid with self-righteousness. In Hebrew this is known as the syndrome of bokhim ve-yorim, "crying and shooting".

To be sure, Hamas is not an entirely innocent party in this conflict. Denied the fruit of its electoral victory and confronted with an unscrupulous adversary, it has resorted to the weapon of the weak - terror. Militants from Hamas and Islamic Jihad kept launching Qassam rocket attacks against Israeli settlements near the border with Gaza until Egypt brokered a six-month ceasefire last June. The damage caused by these primitive rockets is minimal but the psychological impact is immense, prompting the public to demand protection from its government. Under the circumstances, Israel had the right to act in self-defence but its response to the pinpricks of rocket attacks was totally disproportionate. The figures speak for themselves. In the three years after the withdrawal from Gaza, 11 Israelis were killed by rocket fire. On the other hand, in 2005-7 alone, the IDF killed 1,290 Palestinians in Gaza, including 222 children.

Whatever the numbers, killing civilians is wrong. This rule applies to Israel as much as it does to Hamas, but Israel's entire record is one of unbridled and unremitting brutality towards the inhabitants of Gaza. Israel also maintained the blockade of Gaza after the ceasefire came into force which, in the view of the Hamas leaders, amounted to a violation of the agreement. During the ceasefire, Israel prevented any exports from leaving the strip in clear violation of a 2005 accord, leading to a sharp drop in employment opportunities. Officially, 49.1% of the population is unemployed. At the same time, Israel restricted drastically the number of trucks carrying food, fuel, cooking-gas canisters, spare parts for water and sanitation plants, and medical supplies to Gaza. It is difficult to see how starving and freezing the civilians of Gaza could protect the people on the Israeli side of the border. But even if it did, it would still be immoral, a form of collective punishment that is strictly forbidden by international humanitarian law.

The brutality of Israel's soldiers is fully matched by the mendacity of its spokesmen. Eight months before launching the current war on Gaza, Israel established a National Information Directorate. The core messages of this directorate to the media are that Hamas broke the ceasefire agreements; that Israel's objective is the defence of its population; and that Israel's forces are taking the utmost care not to hurt innocent civilians. Israel's spin doctors have been remarkably successful in getting this message across. But, in essence, their propaganda is a pack of lies.

A wide gap separates the reality of Israel's actions from the rhetoric of its spokesmen. It was not Hamas but the IDF that broke the ceasefire. It di d so by a raid into Gaza on 4 November that killed six Hamas men. Israel's objective is not just the defence of its population but the eventual overthrow of the Hamas government in Gaza by turning the people against their rulers. And far from taking care to spare civilians, Israel is guilty of indiscriminate bombing and of a three-year-old blockade that has brought the inhabitants of Gaza, now 1.5 million, to the brink of a humanitarian catastrophe.

The Biblical injunction of an eye for an eye is savage enough. But Israel's insane offensive against Gaza seems to follow the logic of an eye for an eyelash. After eight days of bombing, with a death toll of more than 400 Palestinians and four Israelis, the gung-ho cabinet ordered a land invasion of Gaza the consequences of which are incalculable.

No amount of military escalation can buy Israel immunity from rocket attacks from the military wing of Hamas. Despite all the death and destruction that Israel has inflicted on them, they kept up their resistance and they kept firing their rockets. This is a movement that glorifies victimhood and martyrdom. There is simply no military solution to the conflict between the two communities. The problem with Israel's concept of security is that it denies even the most elementary security to the other community. The only way for Israel to achieve security is not through shooting but through talks with Hamas, which has repeatedly declared its readiness to negotiate a long-term ceasefire with the Jewish state within its pre-1967 borders for 20, 30, or even 50 years. Israel has rejected this offer for the same reason it spurned the Arab League peace plan of 2002, which is still on the table: it involves concessions and compromises.

This brief review of Israel's record over the past four decades makes it difficult to resist the conclusion that it has become a rogue state with "an utterly unscrupulous set of leaders". A rogue state habitually violates international law, possesses weapons of mass destruction and practises terrorism - the use of violence against civilians for political purposes. Israel fulfils all of these three criteria; the cap fits and it must wear it. Israel's real aim is not peaceful coexistence with its Palestinian neighbours but military domination. It keeps compounding the mistakes of the past with new and more disastrous ones. Politicians, like everyone else, are of course free to repeat the lies and mistakes of the past. But it is not mandatory to do so.

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (07-01-2009 18:34:40)

07-01-2009 18:27:09
?? NJD
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-08-2005
Mesaje: 2075
Deasemena ca si ceilalti  "lupi:"  Romania din nou a provocat Ursul, prin faptul ca e asezata in calea norului toxic de la Chernobil. Prin urmare Rusia in aparare, a intrat cu tancurile si a facut orasele; Botosani-Suceava -Iasi sa arate precum odata, Lidice. Marele Urs vecin vrea numai sa-si "consolideze puterea pe ici pe colo" . Romania una dintre tarile foste aliate fura printre altele si Gaz, dar vor plati pentru asta cu libertatea"

Reportaj imaginar, fictiv, clar vazator si neutru, de Sorin Lancea.

Prietene, uite cum vad eu, si iti dau material de un raspuns chiar ironic daca vrei;

Politica lui Regan care a durat cam zece ani a fost sa nu umple cuferele Rusiei cu likizi si sa nu devina Europa dependenta de energie de Rusia, in acest scup a pus bete-n roate conductei de GAZ si cit a putut la petrol.

Pana nu demult una dintre marile companii "particulare" petroliede din lume se afla in Rusia sub conducerea lui Kodorhoski. Pretul petrolului nu era ridicat, in jur de $30, dar deajuns ca sa fie profitabil pentru aceasta companie (Lukoil) ce avea in plan si chiar producea, marirea productiei anuale cu 20% (foarte, foarte mult). Clentii acestei companii erau multe state Europene Americane etc dar includea si China. Pentru China a fost trasat planul unei conducte directe (acum se face prin trenuri, foarte incet ,putin si scump) Rusia nu are export mare inafara de Petrol Gaz, Arme, Evrei. Au nevoie de venitul din energie vinduta e clar.

Daca economia Chinaei e in pericol cind petrolul e in jur de $150, a Rusiei e opusa, pericolul fiind cind atinge costul extractiei (in 2001 $15 acum peste $20). Pericolul consta in nelinistea/rascularea maselor(cind nu e papa)
Putin prin politica sa a pus frina democratie si in revers inspre concentrarea puterii si mijloacelor de productie pe mina statului. A fost inscenat neplata "taxelor" $10 mil unde compania petroliera a fost Nationalizata (nah ca acum se intimpla si in ocident)

Nu m-a indoiesc ca Americani cu companiile lor petroliere si cu aliatii lor formidabili manevreaza pretul petrolului vroind sa loveasca China (ridicind Rusia in schimb) poate de aceea au dat si cu al doilea pantof, criza financiara, sa dea altceva la Rusi de gindit decit la "reintregire"
Presupun ca pentru a facilita alaturarea Ukrainei  au fost masluite alegerile si a fot otravit actualul candidatul la presidentie care se opunea (nu a reusit, revolutia Portocalie a invins)
Presupun ca nu a calculat bine cind a vrut sa alature Geogria prin forta armata asta vara. Asta a fost o mare gresala, care a aratat ca Ursul isi schimba blana dar naravul ba..Chiar daca emisarul lui Sarkozy a verificat retragerea trupelor a fost prea tirziu sa opreasca Exodul Capitalului.
Se stie ca Rusii sunt buni la sah. Oprind gazele cind are lumea/clientii/Est Europa mai multa nevoie a fost o mutare/amenintare interesanta (sub petextul ca fura Ukraina) totusi sunt sigur ca nu va trece neobservata, va primi raspunsul cu mutarea adversarilor, Acum eu sau si ma intreb ; Cind si Sub ce Forma ?

08-01-2009 10:49:34

Nou venit

Inregistat: 23-03-2008
Mesaje: 197
Am urmarit documentarele postate de Sorin (noroc cu Tit, altfel...). Am panicat putin (mai mult),...  Imi amintesc acum cateva versuri dintr_o poezioara spusa de bunica mea :

Sta pe muntele_nverzit, al Maslinilor numit
Si venind Ioan si Andrei, Petru s_alti invatacei
Langa dansul zis_au lui: - Doamne, fii bun sa ne spui
Ce_ntamplari vor da de stire lumii, despre a ta venire?
  -Fratilor, vor fi razboaie, om pe om o sa despoaie
  Frati ucide_vor pe frati, fii vor omori pe tati
  Foc s_a_ncinge peste lume si durere fara nume
  Precum n_au fost de cand sunt , oamenii p'acest pamant.

PS  Completez poezioara daca imi mai amintesc.

13-01-2009 01:54:54
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Ce-mi place mie "dreptatea" impartita de oameni... :( (dupa principiul: legea-i ca o bariera pentru boi; sherpilienii :D:D se tarasc elegant pe sub ea :D:D)

Zic asta fiindca celebrul de-acum (jidan, se putea altfel?! ;)) Madoff - ala de-a manglit 50.000 de milioane (dolari, euro - nu mai conteaza la sume de magnitudinea asta) e bine-merci, intr-un lejer "arest la domiciliu" (sta intr-un "mic" apartament cu 16 camere si 32 de fufe :D), doar cu o bratzara d-aia electronica la minutza-i... priceputa. :D

Stiu cazuri de oameni morti in puscarie, unde-au intrat pentru neplata unei amenzi incasate pe nedrept. :( :x

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (14-01-2009 00:44:22)

14-01-2009 00:35:47
?? zitreishtrei
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 05-11-2008
Mesaje: 241
In toate tarile democratice facultatile de studii juridice sunt cele mai solicitate ; sa nu manance si avocatii o paine ?

14-01-2009 11:09:24
?? NJD
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-08-2005
Mesaje: 2075

Xtremul a scris:

Ce-mi place mie "dreptatea" impartita de oameni... :( (dupa principiul: legea-i ca o bariera pentru boi; sherpilienii :D:D se tarasc elegant pe sub ea :D:D)

Zic asta fiindca celebrul de-acum (jidan, se putea altfel?! ;)) Madoff - ala de-a manglit 50.000 de milioane (dolari, euro - nu mai conteaza la sume de magnitudinea asta) e bine-merci, intr-un lejer "arest la domiciliu" (sta intr-un "mic" apartament cu 16 camere si 32 de fufe :D), doar cu o bratzara d-aia electronica la minutza-i... priceputa. :D

Stiu cazuri de oameni morti in puscarie, unde-au intrat pentru neplata unei amenzi incasate pe nedrept. :( :x

El este cel de care spuneai tu, cu bogatie excesiva(dar si excroc)  :)
(ai gresit suma, e 50 de miliarde/bilioane)

14-01-2009 13:39:14
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
50 billions= 50.000 millions, cumetre NJD ;) - nu prea gresesc nici macar la sume d-astea astronomice... ;) (sint de fapt 52 billions manglite, :x dupa ultimele estimari)

Hai sa revin totusi la "nine-eleven 2001" cu o ultima interventie care poate-o convinge si pe cei mai caposi :D adepti ai teoriei
"topirii structurii de rezistentza a WTC" (nu si pe defuncta :D zi33 oricum) - uite deci o poza cu zoom mare luata la un timp masurat in minute, nu ore dupa impact:
kerosenul o arde el spectaculos (in circa 14 secunde s-a consumat la WTC), da' pina la cele peste 1000 de grade necesare topirii
stilpilor stucturii complexe din otzel a turnurilor gemene, e cale lunga...
Oricum, aici se vede clar in poza ca tanti aia se sprijina cu minutza :D de un stilp... wow, tre'sa fie fakira, de n-o frig alea 1000 de grade... :D:D

Comentariul unui specialist metalurg apropo de imaginea cunoscuta sub numele de "Wonder Woman": ;)

"Re - Wonder Woman

There is no way to know whether or not she made it out, only that minutes after the fireball the fire in that area is OUT
and she is holding on to the metal for support and there for it's not HOT...
yet they want us to believe that the fires raged hot enough to soften steel...

This is no disrespect to the lady... yet the fact is she shouldn't be there.

I have forged steel to make swords... it takes a LONG TIME to get the metal hot enough to be pliable... and it cools rapidly...

The actual fireball lasted 14 seconds... I screen captured from the video 1 second intervals

The buildings were made strong enough to withstand FIVE plane hits and still stand... according to the designers

I don't usually get involved in the 911 debates because they get ugly... but the facts speak for themselves...

The metal was STILL RED HOT in the ground 6 WEEKS after.."

Unica explicatie a prabusirii ambelor turnuri (despre aia a cladirii nr.7, NEATINSE DE NIMIC :D, nu mai vorbim...)
e asadar fie explozia controlata din interior (thermite), fie utilizarea armelor spatiale cu impulsuri de mare energie.
(ipoteza plauzibila datorita dimensiunii micronice omogene a PRAFULUI - si nu MOLOZULUI - rezultat.)

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (25-01-2009 18:39:25)

25-01-2009 15:39:19
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Si, pentru cine are resursele de rabdare (si, evident, cunostintzele ;) necesare intzelegerii),
uite si forma cvasicompleta a acuzatiilor 100% logice aduse de John Lear jalnicilor ... adevarati conspiratori mincinosi din 11 septembrie 2001:
Cunostintze pe care generalul-aviator moebius :D (pardon, traven) sigur le are:

DR. MORGAN REYNOLDS, on behalf of :
The United States of America :
Plaintiff, : ECF CASE
vs. :
: 07 CIV 4612 (GBD)
: January 28, 2008

Defendants. :
JOHN LEAR, of full age, being duly sworn, deposes and says:


1. I am 65 years of age, a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot with over 19,000 hours of flight time, over 11,000 of which are in command of 3 or 4 engine jet transports, have flown over 100 different types of aircraft in 60 different countries around the world. I retired in 2001 after 40 years of flying.

2. I am the son of Learjet inventor, Bill Lear, and hold more FAA airman certificates than any other FAA certificated airman. These include the Airline Transport Pilot certificate with 23 type ratings, Flight Instructor, Flight Engineer, Flight Navigator, Ground Instructor, Aircraft Dispatcher, Control Tower Operator and Parachute Rigger.

3. I flew secret missions for the CIA in Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa between 1967 and 1983.

4. During the last 17 years of my career I worked for several passenger and cargo airlines as Captain, Check Airman and Instructor. I was certificated by the FAA as a North Atlantic (MNPS) Check Airman. I have extensive experience as command pilot and instructor in the Boeing 707, Douglas DC-8 and Lockheed L-1011.

5. I checked out as Captain on a Boeing 707 in 1973 and Captain on the Lockheed L-1011 in 1985.

6. I hold 17 world records including Speed Around the World in a Lear Jet Model 24 set in 1966 and was presented the PATCO (Professional Air Traffic Controller's Association) award for Outstanding Airmanship in 1968. I am a Senior Vice-Commander of the China Post 1, the American Legions Post for “Soldiers of Fortune”, a 24 year member of the Special Operations Association and member of

7. I have 4 daughters, 3 grandchildren and live with my wife of 37 years, Las Vegas business woman Marilee Lear in Las Vegas, Nevada.


8. No Boeing 767 airliners hit the Twin Towers as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors. Such crashes did not occur because they are physically impossible as depicted for the following reasons:

A. In the case of UAL 175 going into the south tower, a real Boeing 767 would have begun 'telescoping' when the nose hit the 14 inch steel columns which are 39 inches on center. The vertical and horizontal tail would have instantaneously separated from the aircraft, hit the steel box columns and fallen to the ground.

B. The engines when impacting the steel columns would have maintained their general shape and either fallen to the ground or been recovered in the debris of the collapsed building. One alleged engine part was found on Murray Street but there should be three other engine cores weighing over 9000 pounds each. Normal operating temperatures for these engines are 650°C so they could not possibly have burned up. This is a photo of a similar sized engine from a McDonnell-Douglas MD-11 which impacted the ocean at a high rate of speed. You can see that the engine remains generally intact.(photo, http://www.***/stories/2003/...rld/main546355. shtml)

C. When and if the nose of an airplane came in contact with the buildings 14 inch by 14 inch steel box columns and then, 37 feet beyond, the steel box columns of the building core the momentum of the wings would have slowed drastically depriving them of the energy to penetrate the exterior steel box columns. The spars of the wing, which extend outward, could not possibly have penetrated the 14 inch by 14 inch steel box columns placed 39 inches on center and would have crashed to the ground.

D. The argument that the energy of the mass of the Boeing 767 at a speed of 540 mph fails because:

a. No Boeing 767 could attain that speed at 1000 feet
above sea level because of parasite drag which doubles with velocity and parasite power which cubes with velocity.

b. The fan portion of the engine is not designed to accept
the volume of dense air at that altitude and speed.

E. The piece of alleged external fuselage containing 3 or 4 window cutouts is inconsistent with an airplane that hit 14 inch steel box columns, placed 39 inches in center, at over 500 mph. This fuselage section would be telescopically crumpled had it actually penetrated the building as depicted in the CNN video. It is impossible for it to have then re-emerged from the building and then fallen intact and unburned as depicted.

F. The Purdue video fails because no significant part of the Boeing 767 or engine thereon could have penetrated the 14 inch steel columns and 37 feet beyond the massive core of the tower without part of it falling to the ground. The Purdue video misrepresents the construction of the core of the building and depicts unidentified parts of the airplane snapping the core columns which were 12"x36". The Purdue video also misrepresents what would happen to the tail when the alleged fuselage contacted the core. The tail would instantaneously separate from the empennage (aft fuselage). Further, the Purdue video misrepresents, indeed it fails to show, the wing box or center section of the wing in the collision with the core. The wing box is a very strong unit designed to hold the wings together and is an integral portion of the fuselage. The wing box is designed to help distribute the loads of the wings up-and-down flexing in flight.

G. My analysis of the alleged cutout made by the Boeing 767 shows that many of the 14-inch exterior steel box columns which are shown as severed horizontally, do not match up with the position of the wings. Further, several of the columns through which the horizontal tail allegedly disappeared are not severed or broken. In addition, the wing tips of the Boeing 767 being of less robust construction than the inner portions of the wings could not possibly have made the cookie-cutter pattern as shown in the aftermath photos. The wing tips would have been stopped by the 14 inch steel box columns and fallen to the ground.

H. The debris of the Boeing 767, as found after the
collapse, was not consistent with actual debris had there really been a
crash. Massive forgings, spars from both the wing and horizontal and vertical stabilizers, landing gear retract cylinders, landing gear struts, hydraulic reservoirs and bogeys oxygen bottles, a massive keel beam, bulkheads and the wing box itself cold not possibly have 'evaporated' even in a high intensity fire. The debris of the collapse should have contained massive sections of the Boeing 767, including 3 engine cores weighing approximately 9000 pounds apiece which could not have been hidden. Yet there is no evidence of any of these massive structural components from either 767 at the WTC. Such complete disappearance of 767s is impossible.


9. My opinion, based on extensive flight experience both as captain and instructor in large 3 and 4 engine aircraft is that it would have been impossible for an alleged hijacker with little or no time in the Boeing 767 to have taken over, then flown a Boeing 767 at high speed, descending to below 1000 feet above mean sea level and flown a course to impact the twin towers at high speed for these reasons:

A. As soon as the alleged hijackers sat in the pilots seat of the Boeing 767 they would be looking at an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrumentation System) display panel comprised of six large multi-mode LCDs interspersed with clusters of 'hard' instruments. These displays process the raw aircraft system and flight data into an integrated picture of the aircraft situation, position and progress, not only in the horizontal and vertical dimensions, but also with regard to time and speed as well.

Had they murdered the pilot with a box knife as alleged there would be blood all over the seat, the controls, the center pedestal, the instrument panel and floor of the cockpit. The hijacker would have had to remove the dead pilot from his seat which means he would have had electrically or manually place the seat in its rearmost position and then lifted the murdered pilot from his seat, further distributing blood, making the controls including the throttles wet, sticky and difficult to hold onto.

Even on a clear day a novice pilot would be wholly incapable of taking control and turning a Boeing 767 towards New York because of his total lack of experience and situational awareness under these conditions. The alleged hijackers were not 'instrument rated' and controlled high altitude flight requires experience in constantly referring to and cross-checking attitude, altitude and speed instruments. Using the distant horizon to fly 'visually' under controlled conditions is virtually impossible particularly at the cruising speed of the Boeing 767 of .80 Mach.

The alleged 'controlled' descent into New York on a relatively straight course by a novice pilot in unlikely in the extreme because of the difficulty of controlling heading, descent rate and descent speed within the parameters of 'controlled' flight.

Its takes a highly skilled pilot to interpret the "EFIS" (Electronic Flight Instrument Display) display, with which none of the hijacker pilots would have been familiar or received training on, and use his controls, including the ailerons, rudder, elevators, spoilers and throttles to effect, control and maintain a descent. The Boeing 767 does not fly itself nor does it automatically correct any misuse of the controls.

B. As soon as the speed of the aircraft went above 360 knots (=414 mph) indicated airspeed a "clacker" would have sounded in the cockpit. The 'clacker' is a loud clacking sound, designed to be irritating, to instantly get the attention of the pilot that he is exceeding the FAA-authorized speed of the aircraft. The clacker had no circuit breaker on September 11, 2001 although it does now simply because one or more accidents were caused, in part, by the inability to silence the clacker which made decision, tempered with reasoning, impossible because of the noise and distraction.

C. Assuming, however, that the alleged hijacker was able to navigate into a position to approach the WTC tower at a speed of approximately 790 feet per second the alleged hijacker would have about 67 seconds to navigate the last 10 miles. During that 67 seconds the pilot would have to line up perfectly with a 208 ft. wide target (the tower) and stay lined up with the clacker clacking plus the tremendous air noise against the windshield and the bucking bronco-like airplane, exceeding the Boeing 767 maximum stability limits and encountering early morning turbulence caused by rising irregular currents of air.

He would also have to control his altitude with a high degree of
precision and at the alleged speeds would be extremely difficult.

In addition to this the control, although hydraulically boosted, would be very stiff. Just the slightest control movements would have sent the airplane up or down at thousands of feet a minute. To propose that an alleged hijacker with limited experience could get a Boeing 767 lined up with a 208 foot wide target and keep it lined up and hold his altitude at exactly 800 feet while being aurally bombarded with the clacker is beyond the realm of possibility. [NIST claims a descent from horizontal angle of 10.6 degrees for AA11 at impact and 6 degrees for UA175; see page 276 of 462 in NCSTAR 1-2].

That an alleged hijacker could overcome all of these difficulties and hit a 208 foot wide building dead center at the north tower and 23 feet east of dead center at the south tower is simply not possible. At the peak of my proficiency as a pilot I know that I could not have done it on the first pass. And for two alleged hijackers, with limited experience to have hit the twin towers dead center on September 11, 2001 is total fiction. It could not happen.


10. No Boeing 767 airliner(s) exceeded 500 mph in level flight at approximately 1000 feet on 9/11 as fraudulently alleged by the government, media, NIST and its contractors because they are incapable of such speeds at low altitude.

11. One of the critical issues of the 'impossible' speeds of the aircraft hitting the World Trade Center Towers alleged by NIST as 443 mph (385 kts. M.6, American Airlines Flight 11) and 542 mph (470 kts. M.75, United Airlines 175) is that the VD or dive velocity of the Boeing 767 as certificated by the Federal Aviation under 14 CFR Part 25 Airworthiness Standards; Transport Category Transports of 420 kts CAS (Calibrated Air Speed) makes these speeds achievable. This is unlikely.

12. The 'Dive Velocity' VD is 420 knots CAS (calibrated airspeed)(483 mph). Some allege that this speed, 420 knots (483 mph) is near enough to the NIST alleged speeds that the NIST speeds 443 (385 kts.) mph and 542 mph (471 kts.), could have been flown by the alleged hijackers and are probably correct.

13. In fact VD of 420 knots (483 mph) is a speed that is a maximum for certification under 14 CFR Part 25.253 High Speed Characteristics and has not only not necessarily been achieved but is far above VFC (390 kts. 450 mph) which is the maximum speed at which stability characteristics must be demonstrated.(14 CFR 25.253 (b).

14. What this means is not only was VD not necessarily achieved but even if it was, it was achieved in a DIVE demonstrating controllability considerably above VFC which is the maximum speed under which stability characteristics must be demonstrated. Further, that as the alleged speed is considerably above VFC for which stability characteristics must be met, a hijacker who is not an experienced test pilot would have considerable difficulty in controlling the airplane, similar to flying a bucking bronco, much less hitting a 208 foot target dead center, at 800 feet altitude (above mean sea level) at the alleged speed.

15. Now to determine whether or not a Boeing 757 or Boeing 767 could even attain 540 miles per hour at 800 feet we have to first consider what the drag versus the power ratio is.

Drag is the effect of the air pushing against the frontal areas of the fuselage and wing and horizontal and vertical stabilizers. Drag also includes the friction that is a result of the air flowing over these surfaces. If there was no drag you could go very fast. But we do have drag and there are 2 types: induced and parasite. Assume we are going really fast as NIST and the defendants claim, then we don't have to consider induced drag because induced drag is caused by lift and varies inversely as the square of the airspeed. What this means is the faster you go the lower the induced drag.

What we do have to consider is parasite drag. Parasite drag is any drag produced that is not induced drag. Parasite drag is technically called 'form and friction' drag. It includes the air pushing against the entire airplane including the engines, as the engines try to push the entire airplane through the air.

16. We have two other things to consider: induced power and
parasite power.

Induced power varies inversely with velocity so we don't have to consider that because we are already going fast by assumption and it varies inversely.
Parasite power however varies as the cube of the velocity which
means to double the speed you have to cube or have three times the power.

17. So taking these four factors into consideration we are only concerned with two: parasite power and parasite drag, and if all other factors are constant, and you are level at 800 feet and making no turns, the parasite drag varies with the square of the velocity but parasite power varies as the cube of the velocity.

What this means is at double the speed, drag doubles and the power required to maintain such speed, triples.

The airspeed limitation for the Boeing 767 below approximately 23,000 feet is 360 kts [414 mph] or what they call VMO (velocity maximum operating).

That means that the maximum permissible speed of the Boeing 767 below 23,000 feet is 360 knots and it is safe to operate the airplane at that speed but not faster.

18. While the Boeing 767 can fly faster and has been flown faster during flight test it is only done so within carefully planned flight test programs. We can safely infer that most commercial 767 pilots have never exceeded 360 knots indicated air speed below 23,000 feet.

19. The alleged NIST speed of 443 mph (385 kts,) for American Airlines Flight 11 would be technically achievable. However the NIST speed of 542 mph (470 kts) for United Airlines Flight 175 which is 50 kts. above VD is not commensurate with and/or possible considering:

(1) the power available,* **
(2) parasite drag (NAVAIR 00-80T-80 Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators
(3) parasite power (NAVAIR 00-80T-80 Aerodynamics for Naval Aviators
(4) the controllability by a pilot with limited experience. 14 CFR Part 25.253 (a)(b)
* ... amp;rpt=fa
** http://www.content.***/S...PW4000_FAA.pdf

20. Therefore the speed of the aircraft, that hit the World Trade Center, as represented by NIST, particularly that of United Airlines Flight 175 is fraudulent and could not have occurred.

21. One more consideration is the impossibility of the PW4062 turbofan engines to operate in dense air at sea level altitude at high speed.

The Boeing 767 was designed to fly at high altitudes at a maximum Mach of .86 or 86/100ths the speed of sound. This maximum speed is called MMO, (Maximum Mach Operating). Its normal cruise speed, however, is Mach .80 (about 530 mph) or less, for better fuel economy. (The speed of sound at 35,000 feet is 663 mph so 530 mph is Mach .7998 see

The fan tip diameter of the PW4062 which powered UAL 175 was 94 inches, over 7 feet in diameter making it, essentially a huge propeller.
This huge fan compresses enormous amount of air during takeoff to produce the thrust necessary to get the airplane off of the ground and into the air.
At high altitudes, in cruise, where the air is much thinner and where the engines are designed to fly at most of the time, the fan and turbine sections are designed to efficiently accept enormous amounts of this thin air and produce an enormous amount of thrust.

But at low altitudes, in much denser air, such as one thousand feet, where the air is over 3x as dense as at 35,000 feet, going much faster than Vmo or 360 knots, the air is going to start jamming up in the engine simply because a turbofan engine is not designed to take the enormous quantities of dense air at high speed, low altitude flight. Because of the much denser air the fan blades will be jammed with so much air they will start cavitating or choking causing the engines to start spitting air back out the front. The turbofan tip diameter is over 7 feet; it simply cannot accept that much dense air, at that rate, because they aren't designed to.

So achieving an airspeed much over its Vmo which is 360 knots isn't going to be possible coupled with the fact that because the parasite drag increases as the square of the speed and the power

required increases as the cube of the speed you are not going to be able to get the speed with the thrust (power) available.

It can be argued that modern aerodynamic principles hold that if an aircraft can fly at 35,000 ft altitude at 540 mph (~Mach 0.8), and for a given speed, both engine thrust and airframe drag vary approximately in proportion to air density (altitude), that the engine can produce enough thrust to fly 540 mph at 800 ft. altitude.

That argument fails because although the engine might be theoretically capable of producing that amount of thrust, the real question is can that amount of thrust be extracted from it at 540 mph at 800 ft.

22. To propose that a Boeing 767 airliner exceeded its designed limit speed of 360 knots by 127 mph to fly through the air at 540 mph is simply not possible. It is not possible because of the thrust required and it's not possible because of the engine fan design which precludes accepting the amount of dense air being forced into it.

23. I am informed that the lawsuit for which this affidavit is intended is in its preliminary, pre-discovery phase. I am further informed that actual eyewitness statements cast considerable doubt on the jetliner crash claims, irrespective of the media-driven impression that there were lots of witnesses. In fact, the witnesses tend, on balance, to confirm there were no jetliner crashes. I am also informed that information that will enable further refinement of the issues addressed in this affidavit will be forthcoming in discovery including, without limitation, the opportunity to take depositions and to request relevant documentation (additional information). When that additional information is obtained, I will then be in a position to offer such other and further opinions as, upon analysis, that additional information will mandate.

24. At this stage, it cannot properly be assumed, much less asserted
as factual, that wide-body jetliners crashed into the then Twin Towers of the WTC. Any declaration that such events occurred must be deemed false and fraudulently asserted, video images notwithstanding.

1. On any chart plotting velocity versus either drag or thrust required or power required the parasite value rises sharply after 300 kts,
2. On any chart plotting velocity versus thrust or power required the curves rises sharply after 250 kts.
3. On any chart plotting velocity versus thrust required at sea level, the curve rises dramatically above 200 kts as does the curve for power required.
I swear the above statements to be true to the best of my knowledge.
_/s/ John Olsen Lear___________
John Olsen Lear
1414 N. Hollywood Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV 89110-2006
Subscribed and Sworn to before
me this 24 day of January 2008.
/s/ Connie Jones______________
Notary Public/Appt Exp. 11/22/09
Certificate #94-2650-1

This is the page for the Boeing 767-200 Type Data Certificate information from which was used in this affidavit:

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (30-01-2009 00:11:51)

25-01-2009 15:57:55
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Si un (promit :D) ULTIM scurt dialog dintr-un cunoscut interviu, care lamureste unul din principalele motive (pe linga instaurarea "Patriot Act"-ului) urmarit de initziatorii parshivei inscenari "nine-eleven": (National Geographic Channel a avut un documentar relevant pe tema asta, a refacerii "businessului" heroinei :x)

J - But whoever concocted 9/11, and it certainly wasn't Osama Bin Ladin, they had two objectives - one was to polarize American's opinion against Arab-Muslims and number two was to get the United States - trick the U.S. - essentially to get Osama out of Afghanistan because Osama - as bad as he was - he was shutting down all the heroin poppy fields and was causing a disastrous monetary loss to the illegal drug industry - and last year, which was a year after we went into Afghanistan, National Geographic did a special on TV, that ran for several months and documented the 500% increase in drugs flowing out of Afghanistan 'after' we went in there and eliminated Osama.

A - laughs - They actually did. I recall that. I remember that report! Um - so you are sort of charging that we went in there after Osama - after Osama to rescue the drug trade?

J - No! Well - that wasn't what 'we' thought - we were sort of tricked into doing that. We were tricked into thinking that Osama was responsible for 9/11, but to get a proper perspective on who 'did' the World Trade Center - uh - you have to understand what a magnificent feat of airmanship this was. It was 'disastrous' and was horrible for this country, but this was not accomplished by some guys who went to Florida and got some instructions on a Cessna or a Piper and this was not accomplished by somebody who had a right seat on a 727.

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (30-01-2009 00:13:33)

25-01-2009 18:31:48
?? NJD
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 18-08-2005
Mesaje: 2075
wow e mult de citit aci, daca am timp revin cu ceva comentarii :)

29-01-2009 09:42:43
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Ma tavalesc pe jos de ris (desi-i de plins faza :() cind citesc cum ii "dojeneste" ;) azi O'bomba pe inocentzii :D bancheri/brokeri apropo de ... micile :D lor bonusuri de 18.300 de milioane dolari incasate la sfirsitul lui 2008, in timp ce sistemul financiar (in frunte cu Wall Street-ul) se ducea powlii de suflet de-atitea furaciuni:

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama issued a withering critique Thursday of Wall Street corporate behavior, calling it "the height of irresponsibility" for Wall Street employees to be paid more than $18 billion in bonuses last year while their financial sector was crumbling.
"It is shameful," Obama said from the Oval Office. (n.b. - zii sa moara ma-ta aia de-o ardea cu kenieni !! :D:D - de fapt si maimutzoiu' ala a parasit-o, de proasta ce era) -  "And part of what we're going to need is for the folks on Wall Street who are asking for help to show some restraint, and show some discipline, and show some sense of responsibility."

:x:x Traim intr-o lume perfecta, nu ?? :rolleyes:
In care aia de fura (de foame) o paine se duc la puscarie ! :x
Iar aia de fura ca-n codru, se duc in vacantze exotice... :(

Stiti ce-au facut sefii unei banci "salvate" de la faliment, inainte de orice altceva, cu banii luati de la amaritii de contribuabili? :rolleyes:
Si-au cumparat un avion de 50 de milioane USD "de plimbare" prin Hawaii sau Thailanda... :x
Baaaai O-LABA :D, nu mai desfiintza 'reakului pirnaia aia de la Guantanamo, mai bine umple-o cu "successful businessmen" !!! :D:D

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (30-01-2009 00:36:22)

30-01-2009 00:17:15
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Fiindca tot nu-i nimeni interesat :D:D, uite o imagine dragutza a unor aisberguri taiate "la fix" pe lungimi "modeste" ;) de 50 km !!!!!!!!!!!!!
(asta, pentru aia care nu cred in armele spatiale cu fluxuri de mare energie, utilizate clar si in demolarea controlata a Turnurilor Gemene WTC):

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (02-02-2009 16:55:18)

02-02-2009 16:36:31
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
P.S. Sincer acu', simt un pic lipsa "hiperinteligentei" ;) zi33 :D - care in mod sigur ar fi zis de cel putin 33 de ori :D:D (dar fara vreun argument, normal) ca-i vorba si aici de "fenomene absolut naturale"... ;)

02-02-2009 17:07:25
?? stromboli
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 21-07-2008
Mesaje: 358
mon ami, te asigur ca eu nu scap nimic din tot ce scrii. din pacate dispun de putin timp pentru a aprofunda impreuna unele detalii.

E impresionanta poza cu icebergul, ai detalii de unde provine fotografia? as vrea sa fiu sigur ca e vorba de 50 km si nu cm.

02-02-2009 20:45:52
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
:D Mai exagerez si io, cumetre Soryn... fiindca mai sint, din fericire, si oameni care nu trec surzi, orbi si mutzi prin existentza asta...

Cit despre poza, e doar una din "colectia" lui John Lear (tip mai mult decit credibil, fost pilot de marca, inclusiv la CIA, care rasverifica orice inainte sa vorbeasca/arate - pe Above Top Secret, forumurile Project Camelot ori Project Avalon sau thelivingmoon dot com poti afla mai multe), luata linga Polul Nord iarna trecuta, iar dimensiunile taieturilor... chirurgicale (la 90 de grade) sunt de fix 30 de mile fiecare, ca-s doua (48,27 km, mai precis - vezi, am exagerat :D si cu dimensiunile ;)) - shame on me ! :D:D

Ultima modificare facuta de Xtremul (04-02-2009 14:18:16)

02-02-2009 21:07:06
?? Xtremul
Cont Sters

Inregistat: 23-12-2007
Mesaje: 6669
Hai inc-o poza cu una din cele mai mari instalatii HAARP din lume
(desi-i in Peru, de ea se ocupa Cornell University - USA) ;)

04-02-2009 14:22:18
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